First question:
i'm trying to display alt attribute to image, that is shown in profile gallery.
I found in components\com_comprofiler\plugin\libraries\CB\Plugin\Gallery\Table\ItemTable.php -> 1340 line, where is
return '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars( $previewPath ) . '" class="galleryImage cbImgPict cbThumbPict img-thumbnail' . $rotate . '" />';
F.e. i would like to put a title of file in alt, like this
<img ALT="'.$this->title.'" src="'
, is there a chance to do that? I'm not sure if i can get any data from comprofiler_plugin_gallery_items in this part of code. If not, where i can do that?
Second question:
i can see, that gallery is displaying images in way, i don't understand. There is img src (or background-image), but after that there is URL instead file.jpg. So for example
, can You tell me, where this image is generating?
I tried to figure out, and find where is function show for action item, but it's not clear for me.