I ran into a problem with a 34 character long internal field name (cb_custom_email_after_banner_html) on a editor text area field. The field created and displayed fine, however, it would not update the database.
Surmising the most likely cause of the problem was mine since CB is rock solid, I could think of nothing else than the internal name being too long and causing some issues that didn't produce an error but didn't work either.
I shortened the internal name to 25 and the field updated with no problem.
What is the longest internal field name we can use?
Obviously, validating the length of the name field or setting a max length for input might be a good idea; not critical for sure but perhaps helping avoid a problem.
Last edit: 8 years 8 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#6048] tag to subject
The column is varchar(50) meaning it supports a maximum of 50 characters for field name. Have added a feature ticket to consider increasing this to 255 to allow for much longer field names.
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Appears the limit is 64 for column names. I don't recommend using extra long field names. For now I think we'll keep the limit at 50 as it's not good to hit the limit.
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That certainly makes sense and I agree. Limiting the field input to the same 50 characters would be helpful so people don't do what I did and go over the limit. I'm guessing that you've done that already.
No matter, thanks for taking a good look at this and explaining the rationale and limitations. Much appreciated.
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