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[SOLVED] Updating to CB 2.0.14 - Database driver 'pdomysql' is not supported

  • autobahn
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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #279754 by autobahn
On my localhost system which runs on Win 10 under XAMPP I am trying to update from CB 2.0.13 to 2.0.14 and get the following error when I try to run the update via Extensions Update:

Database driver 'pdomysql' is not supported. Please use MySQL instead.
Before updating ensure that the update is compatible with your Joomla! installation.
Extension Update: Custom install routine failure.
Error updating package.

Environmental information:
Windows 10
XAMPP Version: 5.6.15
PHP Version: 5.6.15
MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.1.10-MariaDB
Joomla!: 3.5.0
CB 2.0.13
CBSubs 4.0.2

In PHP Information (in System Information) under the heading pdo_mysql it states that the PDO Driver for MySQL is enabled.

I don't know what this error means or how to fix it, which means that I don't know if it is safe to update my live site (which I won't do until everything tests out OK on my localhost site).

I'd really appreciate some guidance as my knowledge in this area is less than minimal.

Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by krileon.

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  • krileon
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8 years 11 months ago #279782 by krileon
Joomla nor CB have such an error message. Pretty sure that's specifically from Kunena as it's the only extension I've installed that can specifically throw that error. Appears it has already been fixed in latest releases of Kunena as well.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • autobahn
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8 years 11 months ago #279812 by autobahn
Thanks for getting back to me.

We don't have Kunena installed - never have.

The only extensions we have installed are:
  • Akeeba Backup
  • Akeeba Admin Tools
  • JEvents
  • Weblinks Extension Package
Guess it must be one of those then :(

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  • krileon
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8 years 11 months ago #279832 by krileon
Possibly, I don't have Akeeba or JEvents installed. Try disabling each entirely and see if issue persists.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • autobahn
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8 years 11 months ago #279836 by autobahn
I have actually found the answer :)

I restore to localhost using Kickstart and have always set the database type to MySQL, not MySQLi. The latest version of Kickstart only offers MySQLi (preferred) and MySQL (with PDO) - plain old MySQL is not an option. Not knowing any better, and since I'd never opted for MySQLi before, I chose the latter.

I have done another restore using MySQLi and everything has updated nicely, without any errors. I hope this information will be of help to someone else, and thank you for your assistance. Great support as always!
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  • glenanPL
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8 years 11 months ago #280119 by glenanPL
An other possibility without restoring the database.
Menu : System - Global configuration
Tab : Server
change the Database type MySQL (PDO) to MySQL
and you can installed the Community Builder 2.0.14

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