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[SOLVED] CB version API - CB Version 2.0.5

10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 3 weeks ago #258726 by
I have been using the CB version 1.9.1 API on my current sites and all works fine. I have begun the switch to 2.0.5 and have hit this error.
1054 - Unknown column 'usertype' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `hvu3a_comprofiler` (`id`,`user_id`,`firstname`,`lastname`,`approved`,`confirmed`,`registeripaddr`,`usertype`,`cb_postStreet1`,`cb_postStreet2`,`cb_city`,`cb_state`,`cb_membertitle`,`cb_membersex`,`cb_memberdob`,`cb_membertype`,`cb_memberfinancial`,`cb_memberstatus`,`cb_receipts`)
There is a field `usertype' in version 1.9.1 it seems but not in version 2.0.5 it seems. I presumably do need a 'usertype' Is there a replacement CB API for version 2.0.5? Have I missed something?

Last edit: 10 years 3 weeks ago by krileon.

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10 years 1 month ago #258737 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic CB version API - CB Version 2.0.5
Usertype hasn't existed since Joomla 1.6. We just forced it to the user object for B/C. It's officially removed in 2.x. A user can have more than 1 usergroup so usertype just isn't valid, which was the users usergroup name. I would need to know more about what you're trying to do to suggest any further.

Kyle (Krileon)
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10 years 1 month ago #258758 by
Replied by on topic CB version API - CB Version 2.0.5
Hi Kyle

Thanks for the rapid reply.

Odd that I haven't hit this with my current sites running Joomla 3.6 CB 1.9! It cropped up only on the Joomla 3.6 CB 2 site.

As to what I was trying to do - use your API ( )

which references that user type
$usertype = $_CB_framework->getCfg('new_usertype'); $user = new moscomprofilerUser($_CB_database); $user->usertype = ( $usertype ? $usertype : 'Registered' ); $user->gid = $_CB_framework->acl->get_group_id($user->usertype, 'ARO'); $user->gids = array($user->gid);

Hope this helps.

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  • krileon
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10 years 1 month ago - 9 years 8 months ago #258806 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic CB version API - CB Version 2.0.5
Yeah, the usage in that tutorial is old. I'll be sure to update it so it's up to date. In the meantime you can use the below.

$user->set( 'gids', array( (int) $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'new_usertype' ) ) );

Replace ->usertype, ->gid, and ->gids setting with just the above. Below is a more up to date usage of the API.

function registerUser( $firstName, $lastName, $email, $username, $password, $approve = 0, $confirm = 0, $usergroups = array() ) { global $_CB_framework, $_PLUGINS, $ueConfig; $approval = ( $approve == 2 ? $ueConfig['reg_admin_approval'] : $approve ); $confirmation = ( $confirm == 2 ? $ueConfig['reg_confirmation'] : $confirm ); $user = new \CB\Database\Table\UserTable(); $user->set( 'username', $username ); $user->set( 'email', $email ); $user->set( 'name', trim( $firstName . ' ' . $lastName ) ); $user->set( 'gids', array( (int) $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'new_usertype' ) ) ); $user->set( 'sendEmail', 0 ); $user->set( 'registerDate', $_CB_framework->getUTCDate() ); $user->set( 'password', $user->hashAndSaltPassword( $password ) ); $user->set( 'registeripaddr', cbGetIPlist() ); if ( $approval == 0 ) { $user->set( 'approved', 1 ); } else { $user->set( 'approved', 0 ); } if ( $confirmation == 0 ) { $user->set( 'confirmed', 1 ); } else { $user->set( 'confirmed', 0 ); } if ( ( $user->get( 'confirmed' ) == 1 ) && ( $user->get( 'approved' ) == 1 ) ) { $user->set( 'block', 0 ); } else { $user->set( 'block', 1 ); } $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onBeforeUserRegistration', array( &$user, &$user ) ); if ( $user->store() ) { if ( $user->get( 'confirmed' ) == 0 ) { $user->store(); } $messagesToUser = activateUser( $user, 1, 'UserRegistration' ); $_PLUGINS->trigger( 'onAfterUserRegistration', array( &$user, &$user, true ) ); if ( $user->get( 'block' ) == 1 ) { return false; } else { return true; } } return false; }

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
Last edit: 9 years 8 months ago by krileon.

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10 years 1 month ago - 10 years 1 month ago #258828 by
Replied by on topic CB version API - CB Version 2.0.5
Thanks Kyle - I appreciate that.

Last edit: 10 years 1 month ago by .

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9 years 9 months ago #265882 by knotworking
Replied by knotworking on topic CB version API - CB Version 2.0.5
Luckily I found this thread, and thank you for at least posting this update here. Spending an hour or so trying to figure out why I can't get the API Tutorial to work on my system and then finding out the Tutorials are not up to date is more than a little frustrating.

I've been a CB user since 2005, paid you guys more over the years than all my other Joomla extension purchases combined. I understand you have to keep the lights on, but if you are going to be charging the $$$ you do now, please get right from nose to tail. At least take irrelevant Tutorials down...

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