It shouldn't matter, but your extension uses strict quote matching. At any rate I've created the below bug ticket to fix it in next CB release.
Quickfix as follows.
IN: /components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.html.php
ON: Lines 1225-1243
if ( $formatting == 'divs' ) {
$tabcontent .= "\t<div class=\"" . $class. " cb_form_line cbclearboth\" id=\"cbfr_termsc\">\n"
. '<div class="cb_field"><div id="cbfv_termsc">';
} else {
$tabcontent .= "\t<tr class=\"" . $class. "\" id=\"cbfr_termsc\">\n"
. "\t\t<td> </td>\n<td class='fieldCell'>";
$tabcontent .= "<div class=\"cbSnglCtrlLbl\"><input type='checkbox' name='acceptedterms' id='acceptedterms' class='required' value='1' mosReq='0' mosLabel='"
. htmlspecialchars( _UE_TOC )
. "' /> <label for='acceptedterms'>"
. sprintf(_UE_TOC_LINK,"<a href='".cbSef(htmlspecialchars($ueConfig['reg_toc_url']))."' target='_BLANK'> ","</a>") . '</label>'
. getFieldIcons( $_CB_framework->getUi(), 1, null, null, null )
. "</div>";
if ( $formatting == 'divs' ) {
$tabcontent .= "</div></div></div>\n";
} else {
$tabcontent .= "</td>\n"
. "\t</tr>\n";
if ( $formatting == 'divs' ) {
$tabcontent .= '<div class="' . $class . ' cb_form_line cbclearboth" id="cbfr_termsc"><div class="cb_field"><div id="cbfv_termsc">';
} else {
$tabcontent .= '<tr class="' . $class . '" id="cbfr_termsc"><td> </td><td class="fieldCell">';
$tabcontent .= '<div class="cbSnglCtrlLbl">'
. '<input type="checkbox" name="acceptedterms" id="acceptedterms" class="required" value="1" mosReq="0" mosLabel="' . htmlspecialchars( _UE_TOC ) . '" />'
. ' <label for="acceptedterms">' . sprintf( _UE_TOC_LINK, '<a href="' . cbSef( htmlspecialchars( $ueConfig['reg_toc_url'] ) ) . '" target="_blank"> ', '</a>' ) . '</label>'
. getFieldIcons( $_CB_framework->getUi(), 1, null, null, null )
. '</div>';
if ( $formatting == 'divs' ) {
$tabcontent .= '</div></div></div>';
} else {
$tabcontent .= '</td></tr>';
Note the above line numbers may not be exact. Just look for the the exact FROM block of code around that area.