There is a small bug in CB 1.7.1 here:
comprofiler.class.php line 3119 and 3120:
} elseif ( file_exists( $UElanguagePath.'/'.$_CB_framework->getCfg( 'lang_tag' ).'/calendar-locals.js' ) ) {
$calendarLangFile = '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/'.$_CB_framework->getCfg( 'lang_tag' ).'/calendar-locals.js';
should be:
} elseif ( file_exists( $UElanguagePath.'/' . strtolower( $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'lang_tag' ) ) . '/calendar-locals.js' ) ) {
$calendarLangFile = '/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/'.strtolower($_CB_framework->getCfg( 'lang_tag' )).'/calendar-locals.js';
to avoid to have that js translation file in an upper-case folder.
to avoid to have that js translation file in an upper-case folder.
Not sure why you needed the "french" folder too. I believe that once that line is fixed fr_fr is enough as folder. We did the strtolower to keep all file and folder-names in lowercase to avoid unix duplicates, but missed it there.
CB bug Forge tracker #3037 :
(edited to ad the line 3119).