I have created a menu link from both the GroupJive main page and a GroupJive Category page. When I navigate to either link the breadcrumb shows up correctly (e.g. Home->CB GroupJive or Home->Category Example) and when I assign a template to the link it also works correctly.
As soon as I navigate within the GroupJive interface to another page (e.g. to a category from the main GroupJive page or a group page from a GroupJive category page) the breadcrumb shows up as "Home" and the template returns to the default template.
What I want is for the breadcrumb to show something like Home->CB GroupJive->Category Example->Group and for the template to stay the same as long as I am within the GroupJive interface.
Any thoughts?
Last edit: 13 years 4 months ago by krileon. Reason: edited title
GJ generates the pathway internally as Plugin > Category > Group > Action. If it's not displaying as such then something is altering your breadcrumb after GJ has set it. You can adjust the "Plugin" breadcrumb within GJs configuration. You can also enable Dynamic ID within GJs configuration so it'll try to find a Joomla menu link for each URL and use the appropriate Item IDs.
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Thanks for the reply. I see where you can set the Dynamic ID. I set that and it still doesn't work for me.
I have created a fresh test setup and I was wondering if you can take a look. I have installed Joomla 1.7, the latest CB and GJ. I have created three categories and three groups. I don't know if setting the SEO settings in Global Configuration matters, but I have the first three checkboxes selected in that area. I have used GJ to create a menu link and I copied that link to the main menu. Login information follows:
[MOD EDIT]: Yikes, you just posted admin access to your site on a public forum! Removed for your safety. Please change your password to ensure security.
Thanks for the help.
Last edit: 13 years 4 months ago by krileon. Reason: edited title
Dynamic ID is only needed if you're going to use GJs (Create Menu) feature to generate Category/Group links. If all you're generating is the Frontend URL found on the plugin page then you've no need for this feature and it won't do anything. Also only internal links will work with ItemID. Joomla strips ItemID from external links when SEF is enabled.
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-- My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
If I log into the site as a registered user, the breadcrumb DOES show up. Although it always shows the name of the menu link (e.g. Home > CB GroupJive) regardless of where I am in the interface. So I do not see something like Home > CB GroupJive > Category_1 > Group_1 if I am in the Group_1 page.
However, if I do not log in (e.g. Public or Guest) I only see Home > CB GroupJive on the main page. If I click into a category or group the breadcrumb shows only 'Home' and the template that I had associated with the menu link does not show up.
Any thoughts?
Last edit: 13 years 4 months ago by krileon. Reason: edited title
No idea, breadcrumb is constructing perfectly fine in all my tests. Please see attached image of it working fine. This is with the generated Frontend URL from GJs backend. It also works fine (GJ 2.3) on our demosite seen below.
Something is likely not configured correctly or is overriding the pathway after GJ trys setting it. I suppose some extension could do that which manage metadata perhaps.
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