Hi folks, I'm using CB 1.4 with a multilingual site, and I've also downloaded and installed into the CB plugins the Portuguse-BR package, but when registering and not informing/filling some fields and hitting register button it is showing the message "This field is required." in English and it should be in Portuguese-BR as "Este campo é obrigatório!". The same happens for the phrase "Please enter the same value again."
The variable defined at:
1)Some definitions in the language.php file in the folder... /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/pt-br seems not to be working once they are already translated as:
DEFINE('_UE_REQUIRED_ERROR','Este campo é obrigatório!');
2) default_language.php file in the folder... /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/default_language is definied as:
DEFINE('_UE_REQUIRED_ERROR','This field is required!');
When using the front-end as Portuguese-BR, it shows 'This field is required!' as said above.