I have tried to do a variable substitution in the new user email that gets sent to an administrator, by using
'UE_REG_ADMIN_SUB' => 'New User Registration: [NAME]',
However, no substitution occurs and that is the exact mail subject given. Should substitutions work here?
I would find this useful to quickly highlight spam registrations that I might then need to ban immediately.
Ideally also the email body itself would have a link in it so that I could do this on one click, e.g.
Name: [NAME]
-- Mike --
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Last edit: 5 years 4 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#7752] tag to subject
Substitutions should be lowercase. The exception is a few special ones specifically used for registration emails. So for example you'd use [name] instead of [NAME]. Yes, they should work fine in the email subject and body.
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I have various substitions in the email body which work in uppercase, including [NAME], but in the subject neither [NAME] nor [name] work.This is in the admin new user registration email at least.
-- Mike --
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