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CBGallery Backend image/photo/document upload fails

6 years 4 months ago #308109 by morgster79
Hi There,

When uploading an image/photo/document from the backend, it fails with "You need to specify TYPE", however the Type field does not appear anywhere. Is this a bug and is this resolved in a later version?

Thanks Marc

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  • krileon
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6 years 4 months ago #308120 by krileon
Looks like a bug and have added a bug ticket to fix in a newer release.

Kyle (Krileon)
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6 years 4 months ago #308130 by morgster79
Wow, i see you have resolved the bug already. Is there any chance i can get the fix, or the file to replace to resolve this particular bug?

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  • krileon
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6 years 4 months ago #308149 by krileon
It's a quick 1 line fix as follows.

IN: components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbgallery/xml/views/view.com_comprofiler.edititemrow.xml
ON: Line 63
<param name="file" type="uploadfile" label="" display="2lines" validate="required" description="Select the file to upload." />
<param name="upload" type="uploadfile" label="" display="2lines" validate="required" description="Select the file to upload." />

Backend uploads should work fine at that point.

Kyle (Krileon)
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