Your auto-increment for your fields must've been broken at some point. The new alias field is using a reserved field id so it should never have been assigned to cb_phone. The alias field uses reserved id 43 (which we may cycle around as needed when new fields are added and old removed). Fields manually created or created from the sample data tool should never be below id 54.
First navigate to _comprofiler database table and see if cb_phone column is still there with its respective values. If it does still exist simply create a new cb_phone in CB > Field Management and it should be ok (please make a backup before doing this). If not then the alias is a text field the values shouldn't be lost and you can make a new cb_phone field the use the below query to move the values.
UPDATE `jos_comprofiler` SET `cb_phone` = `alias`;
UPDATE `jos_comprofiler` SET `alias` = '';
The above should set every rows phone field to the alias value then empty alias. Change the prefix from jos_ to whatever prefix you're using for your Joomla templates. Please make a backup before doing any of this.