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After you install CB on your Joomla website you will need to configure and publish the new CB Login module.

Use the following steps as a guide:

  1. Locate your CB Login module entry from Joomla: Extensions :: Module Manager
    You can just type CB Login in the search box or set the Select Type drop-down filter to CB Login
  2. Edit the CB Login module parameters
  3. set Status to 'Published'
  4. set Position to 'Position-7' (or another position relevant to your template
  5. set Access to 'Public' (module needs to appear for not logged in users)
  6. set Menu Assignment tab Module Assignment tp 'On all pages' (or something relevant to your Joomla installation)
  7. Click the 'Save & Close' button to save your changes

Once you complete the above you should be able to see the CB Login module on your Joomla site.

There are many additional CB Login module specific parameter settings you can configure to further customize the look and feel and also the functionality of your CB Login module.

Open Source

Everything you download from Joomapolis - whether free or paid - is GPL v2 licensed. This means that you can install it on all your websites and use it forever. Learn more about your GPL v2 privileges.