Beta 3 is now available with a lot of great improvements and new features. Check out the details below!
Built in Notifications has finally arrived. I've implement ALL of the notifications provided by the system actions in CB Auto Actions in addition to quite a few more. Take a look at all the notifications available below.
As you can see the amount is substantial. Coming in at a whopping 37 built in notifications. In addition to this you can replace CB GroupJive Email/PM notifications with CB Activity notifications OR send both!
Another new feature to aid in self-moderation of content is post obscuring. When a post receives 3 reports it's marked Controversial. When a post receives 5 reports it's Obscured. When it receives 10 reports it's unpublished. All of this is customizable of course. The new obscuring functionality can be seen below.
There have been quite a few other improvements throughout the API and internal styling adjustments as well.
So what's next? CB Activity 6.0.0 RC1 is the plan. RC1 will contain the migration code from 5.0.0 to 6.0.0. I will do my upmost best to migrate all of your existing stream data as much as possible to the new database structures are configurations. If you are starting a fresh install then Beta 3 is considered feature complete and you are welcome to use it now instead of just for testing.