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THE Social Community Solution for Joomla!

THE Social Community Solution for Joomla!

Empower Your Community with Unmatched Customizable Features

Welcome! We are here to help you bring your vision for a social, member-driven website to reality.

Community Builder

Community Builder

Build a social community with your Joomla site!
CB Paid Subscriptions


Add a subscription feature to your community site!
CB Quickstart

CB Quickstart

Quickly launch a pre-configured social site!
Quality Hosting

Quality Hosting

Secure, reliable and CB ready website hosting services

Whether you're a business deepening connections with employees or customers and selling downloadable content, an organization structuring group collaborations and collecting donations,

or a club managing vibrant communities, organizing events, and handling membership fees, or a developer building robust, scalable sites, Community Builder (CB) and its CB Add-Ons provide the flexible tools and features you need.

Our CB Quickstart package will get you up and running in minutes with CB and essential CB Add-Ons preconfigured!

Our stellar support team is here to assist you, offering the freedom to host anywhere or on our optimized hosting. Have a question? Sign-Up and Ask our Pre-sales!

Get Your Membership now and start Creating engaging online spaces that truly reflect your vision.

Are you ready to take your Joomla site to the next level?

Try our demosite to see if Community Builder is right for you!

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate YY bytes) in ...

This is not directly related with CB, but depending on the CB plugins and other components you have installed you might see an error message like:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXXXXXX bytes exhausted (tried to allocate YYYYY bytes) in ....


First of all, do not trust your PHP settings, but check the real number displayed in XXXXXXX above. E.g. 32 MB means 33,554,432 bytes, but would be displayed 33554432. Take the time to count correctly the digits displayed in the error. Happened to us too to miscount and search further !

You would need to increase your memory settings in your php.ini file. If you cannot do this on your own then please ask your host provider to do this for you. Google will also help you on this one.

Depending on your plugins, 32 MB or more might be required.

Nice resource regarding process to follow:

Another Apache param used by some hosters: