It's being caused by jQuery Chosen, which is being applied to every select input by the below 3rd party jQuery.
jQuery(function ($) {
$("body").on("subform-row-add", initChosen);
function initChosen(event, container)
container = container || document;
$(container).find("select").chosen({"disable_search_threshold":10,"search_contains":true,"allow_single_deselect":true,"placeholder_text_multiple":"Type or select some options","placeholder_text_single":"Select an option","no_results_text":"No results match"});
No idea where it's coming from so can't advise you any further beyond disable everything until it goes away. Doesn't seam to be your template. Likely is a module or system plugin. Notice it happens to all your profile edit and registration select inputs (they have a search input in their dropdown). So this is being applied to every page on your site affecting every select input.
It looks like it maybe being loaded by hikashop so I suggest starting there by disabling all of hikashop and see if issue persists.